Icy midges in the river.
Yellowstone Forever
Jackie and I have been part of Yellowstone Forever, formerly Yellowstone Park Foundation, since its inception in 1996. Back then the Foundation was basically a “think tank” formed when YNP Superintendent Michael Finley came up with the idea of a park foundation to raise funds to help support the park’s necessary programs that the park could not afford to fund due to federal budget cuts. This became the impetus of our cofounding 1% for the Planet with our good friend Yvon Chouinard owner of Patagonia Inc. 1%FTP is an alliance of business members donating 1% of their gross sales to conservation and environmental causes.
In 1996 our business began donating a minimum of 1% of our yearly gross sales to organizations like the foundation to help protect, preserve and enhance Yellowstone for all future generations. Since we sold our business we continue to donate 1% of our earnings and became 1% for the Planet’s first “individual member”, a program started 2 years ago so individuals and non-business owners can join in helping environmental causes. To date 1% FTP has funded over $250 million dollars in conservation causes, something I’m most proud of.
When I revised “The Yellowstone Fly-Fishing Guide” last November I committed my royalties from book sales to go to Yellowstone Forever to help continue their program to restore native Yellowstone cutthroat trout. Please visit their website, check out this link from them, and help if you can. Remember too that purchasing the award-winning book helps as well!
I want to thank all of who’ve checked out my website. Thanks for your kind comments and enthusiasm and contacting me for speaking engagements and more.
I have fished 16 days this month and have had some great dry fly fishing when midges are active most days. The key to good midge activity is calm conditions, overcast better that bright sun, and temps above 26 degrees.
Fish rises to nearby midge pool.
My best fly patterns have been #18-#22 Scotty’s Midges and #20 Griffith’s Gnat Emergers from 11am to 1 or 2pm. Around 1pm midges may form mating clusters and when you see fish key on the clusters give them a #18 Griffiths Gnat and you will be in business.