You may recall these words sung in a song by my friend Bob Seger.
Autumn is closing in here in Yellowstone Country.
Fishing friends Yvon, Terry and I had some great late summer grasshopper fishing this week.
Great late summer fishing days for Yvon.
A short video of a big fish taking a hopper is attached as are a couple photos of fish we took on hopper patterns.
But, now is the time to tie up several #20-24 Baetis Sparkle Duns. Look for them at Umpqua Feather Merchants as well as Mathews Sparkle Duns.
With the forecasted weather change from to and sunny to cool and wet we will begin to see afternoon emergences of the tiny olive mayflies on all rivers and streams in Yellowstone Country.
Look for the olive duns to emerge best in inclement weather conditions during the afternoon hours from now into November. Big fish will feed on the duns and ignore big nymphs and streamers.
I’m working with Earth X Television and Conservation Hawks to produce a program slated for 23 September. In the the 30 minute segment we will discuss how climate will effect anglers and hunters in the future. Stay tuned here as more details to follow. I hope you can join us!